Thursday, August 23, 2012

18 K Baby!

Welcome to our blog!  The Lounge Devils want to help you help yourself and show you how to Live The Lounge Lifestyle!
Of course The Lounge Lifestyle might not be something you know about- but that's why we're here!
This first Blog we wanted to let you know that :
1) Lounge is not that ambient, slow build up of sounds and increasing "thumping" that passes as music on some, go ahead and get a glow stick and EX yourself silly if you wanna- that's just not Us- Our the True Lounge Lifestyle!
  If you really want to know lounge the first Lesson is  Lounge History 101 (Who was Lounge?)

Frank Sinatra. The chairman of the board was the real deal and not a fictional character. The voice of
countless generations had this to say,
 “"...You should have a swell approach to life, because if you don’t
love livin’, baby, dyin’s a pain in the ass”..."
 Truer words have not been spoken. Ol’ Blue Eyes was almost
solely responsible for elevating the cocktail culture to its highest peak and bringing about true Lounge Lifestyle. He lived life to its fullest and
never let his style down. He had a code and it was his own, it was Lounge. He lived “his way – 18K”.
James Bond. Yes, James lives the Lounge Lifestyle. A martini (shaken not stirred), traveling the world,
gambling …and of course the lovely ladies who are available, classy, witty, and a bit dangerous. What
more could you ask for? It is true that most of you are not secret agents and do not have a “00” rating
but that’s okay.    But James is a mere fictitious character- Lounge is Real...
Humphrey Bogart. Even some that live the Lounge Lifestyle may not know this, but it was not Frank that started the Rat Pack. No, it was the man, the legend; Bogie. The Rat Pack epitomized the Lounge
Lifestyle, and it was Bogie’s Ace, not Frank’s. It started as a social group of who’s who of Hollywood
heavyweights led by Bogie with Sinatra by his side; they would meet and paint the town, entourage in
Legend has it that, after a long night of carousing, the pack came back to Bogie’s pad and upon
seeing this motley crew lounging about a bit ragged, Lauren Bacall, Bogie’s beautiful baby, exclaimed,
“…" look like a *#@damned rat pack!”..." Even though the boys never really used the name - the media
eventually found out and that'’s how legends are made. The adoring fans and casinos latched onto the name as
well and the whole world came to know the “Rat Pack”. After Bogie’s passing, Frank led the pack on the
road -and on to a whole new level.

Classy Dames.  Now, don't get me wrong, there are plenty of the fairer sex that hold claims to the Lounge Lifestyle as well.  Matter of fact, it could be argued that classy dames are what started it all.  The truth is- you can't Swing alone cats, you gotta get a kitty...just to note a few Lounge Lifestyler Kittens:
Keely Smith, Marilyn Monroe, Eartha Kitt, Rosemary Clooney, Judy Garland and yes, even Audrey Hepburn...what a sweet list this is...
So, what do you think? There are of course many other names I could toss out that embraced and fully
lived the Lounge Lifestyle, but can'’t you see the great company you are in? Of course, there may be
someone that believes that this lifestyle may not be cool enough yet…...
If you believe this, there are only two reasons I can come up with:
                1) You are absolutely the coolest, best looking, and most stylish hep cat this universe has ever  been witness to. Or…
                 2) You are completely delusional! You might also believe that you are Napoleon Bonaparte, or Moses. In that case, you have far bigger problems and things to come to grip with, I mean instead of being all swank and living the Lounge Lifestyle. Might I suggest psychoanalysis or try the huge section of self-help books in your local bookstore.

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